Lenah Valley RSL

phoca thumb s working_bee_21 jan 2024_ex_mcgee_6 A working bee organised by Mark Jones, Graeme Hawes and Peter Dane took place in and around the carpark. on Sunday 21 st January 2024. The main purpose was to clean up
the dead and dying bushes around the Cenotaph lawns.

19 volunteers turned up many of whom not only supplied their own gear but also provided their ute and/or trailer to ensure the green waste was taken to the tip. Graeme Hawes has since commenced replanting some schrubs supplied by Westland Nurseries which should ensure that the area is in good condition for Anzac Day.

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A huge thank you to the 19 volunteers who helped on our Working Bee. Certainly a job well done

Note: The LVRSL relies heavily on a team of around 30 volunteers; without whose ongoing commitment it would be impossible for the Club to continue.


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Thanks very much to our sponsors: